Teen & Young Adult Coaching
Parenting is a team sport, ymotc is here to help
YMOTC, supporting your child to reach their potential.
This service is for tweens, teens and young adults.
ADHD coaching helps those with ADHD understand how their brain works, create goals and be supported while working towards these goals.
Yvonne offers neuro-affirming coaching, celebrating each child’s unique strengths while supporting your child to implement evidence-based strategies to support their success at school and in life.
ADHD coaching for teens helps bridge the gap between childhood and adulthood while simultaneously helping parents to step back and allow the maturation process to proceed at a pace that is right for their teen.
Contact Yvonne today to discuss how she's able to support your child to thrive at home, at school and in life.
Sessions are individualised & may cover:
1. Executive Functioning:
Study Skills
Goal Setting
Planning and Organising
Working Memory
Task Initiation
Time Management
Sustained Attention/Completing Tasks
Emotional Regulation
Sensory Differences and Strategies
Learning from past mistakes
Flexibility when challenges occur
2. Health and Wellness:
Stress Management
Sleep Hygiene
Healthy Choices
Struggles in these areas are commonly due to a lag in executive function (EF) development.
Children with ADHD typically have a 30% (3 year) lag in EF development.
EF skills develop from the 1st year of life through to mid to late 20's.
There are specific strategies that I support your child to implement to support their executive skills.
Executive Functions include:
Initiation: The ability to begin begin projects without undue procrastination, in an efficient or timely fashion. Getting your resources together, taking the first step in a task. Eg a student not waiting until the last minute to commence a project.
Focus/attention: Being able to focus on a task or person for a period of time. Attention skills also include how to refocus when attention is waning, ignore distractions, and fine-tune the level of focus necessary for a task
Perseverance/Sustained effort & attention: The ability to keep working until the completion of a goal. Goal-directed persistence: The capacity to have a goal, follow through to completion of the goal and not be distracted by competing interests, fatigue, or boredom.
Emotional control/inhibition: The ability to master thoughts and impulses so as to resist temptations, distractions, and habits, and to pause and think before acting. Regulating emotions. Eg: thinking before speaking, putting your hand up in class rather than blurting out answers, resisting the urge to play on the phone or do computer games when it’s homework time.
Working memory: Being able to hold information in mind while doing something with it. It incorporates the ability to draw on past learning or experience to apply to the situation at hand or to project into the future. eg being able to follow 3 step instructions, being able to do mental arithmetic, after reading a page can you remember the information, in high school being able to remember instructions from a variety of teachers.
Planning and organising: Being able to plan and organise yourself to achieve set goals. Ability to prioritise. Organising one's thoughts, time, and resources effectively. Having systems for where belongings are and putting them back.
Time Management: plan and organise our time efficiently, learning how to estimate time required and allowing enough time. Staying within time limits and deadlines. Balancing wants and needs.
Metacognition/self-reflection: Reflect on and manage our thoughts, attention, effort, organisation skills, and emotions. It’s thinking about our thinking, what needs to change if things aren’t going well. It is the internal dialogue/self-talk. Reflecting on what we’re doing, is what we’re doing working, is what I’m doing effective or do I need to change something?
Social and mental flexibility (SHIFT): The capacity to switch gears and adjust to changing demands, priorities, or perspectives. If plan A doesn’t work can you be flexible and make a plan B (enables problem solving). Develop creative solutions.
Stress tolerance: The ability to thrive in stressful situations and cope with uncertainly, change, and performance demands.
Ongoing coaching to support your child's success at school and at home is available.
Parenting is a team sport, ymotc is here to help
Email today for your appointment, we look forward to meeting you.