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Life Coaching

Parenting is a team sport, ymotc is here to help

Are you running all day trying to keep the household together?  Or are you juggling your career, your children and other responsibilities? Is your to-do list never ending? Parenting takes energy, but you can't pour from an empty cup.  


Our highly qualified coach and occupational therapist, Yvonne, works with parents to address issues which have become barriers to achieving what's meaningful to them. 

In these coaching sessions, evidence-based interventions are implemented to assist you to:

  • Prioritise goals

  • Re-balance life

  • Form healthy habits

  • Overcome challenges 

  • Enhance resilience

  • Improve time management 

  • Meditation and mindfulness

  • Strive for dreams

Do you sometimes wish you had someone to help you problem solve those parenting challenges? Someone to help create healthy routines for you and your family? Someone who's there to listen to your hopes and dreams and can support you in achieving them?  Coaching services are an effective way to implement meaningful changes to enable you and your family to thrive.

Parenting is a team sport, ymotc is here to help

Email today for your appointment, we look forward to meeting you.

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